6. Match the first part of the sentence (1- 6) with the second part (a-f). 1 Typing letters with a word processor 2 Many companies need people 3 I can learn a lot of new words 4 People usually type business letters 5 Check your spelling and grammar 6 If you cut a sentence out by mistake, a in the Times New Roman font. b by using the thesaurus. с before you print out your document. d who can use a word processor. e try clicking the undo button. f is easier and quicker than writing by hand.


Ответ дал: MaryFairy211

1 Typing letters with a word processor (f) is easier and quicker than writing by hand.

2 Many companies need people (d) who can use a word processor.

3 I can learn a lot of new words (b) by using the thesaurus.

4 People usually type business letters (a) in the Times New Roman font.

5 Check your spelling and grammar  (с) before you print out your document.

6 If you cut a sentence out by mistake,  (e) try clicking the undo button.

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