Read the answers. Then complete the questions.1. Where .... you .... your shoes? I bought them in the department store.2. What time .... your mother .... home?She came home at 8 o'clock.3. Who .... you .... to school with?I walked with my friends.4. Where .... your parents .... before?They lived in Paris.5. What ... your teacher ... at university?She studied Maths.


Ответ дал: Аноним

1) Where did you buy your shoes? (Где ты купил(а) свою обувь?) - I bought them in the department store. (Я купила их в универмаге).

2) What time did your mother come home? (В какое время твоя мама пришла домой?) - She came home at 8 o'clock. (Она пришла домой в 8 часов).

3) Who did you walk to school with? (С кем ты шел в школу?) - I walked with my friends. (Я шел со своими друзьями).

4) Where did your parents live before? (Где твои родители раньше жили?) - They lived in Paris. (Они жили в Париже).

5) What did your teacher study at university? (Что твой учитель преподавал в университете?) - She studied Maths. (Она преподавала математику).

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