Choose the correct form of the verb (There are no mixed type sentences)
1. (??)If she were here, she ______________ what to do.
(?)had known
(?)would know
(?)would have known
2. (??)If Joe ______________ earlier, he would get to institute on time.
(?)got up
(?)had got up
(?)would get up
(?)would have got up
3. (??)He ______________ the problem now if he were concerned about it.
(?)had discussed
(?)would discuss
(?)would have discussed
4. (??)If I knew the address, I ______________ it to you.
(?)had given
(?)would give
(?)would have given
5. (??)If I had known that you were in hospital, I ______________ you.
(?)had visited
(?)would visit
(?)would have visited
6. (??)If the fire ______________, their house wouldn’t have been destroyed.
(?)didn’t happen
(?)hadn’t happened
(?)wouldn’t happen
(?)wouldn’t have happened
7. (??)If the sound ______________ so loud, she wouldn’t be so nervous.
(?)hadn’t been
(?)wouldn’t be
(?)wouldn’t have been
8. (??)If he ______________ the door open, his cat wouldn’t have eaten the fish.
(?)didn’t leave
(?)hadn’t left
(?)wouldn’t leave
(?)wouldn’t have left
9. (??)I ______________ a taxi if I had realized that it was such a long way.
(?)had taken
(?)would take
(?)would have taken
10. (??)If you had arrived ten minutes earlier, you ______________ a seat.
(?)had got
(?)would get
(?)would have got


Ответ дал: vda99

1 would know

2 got up

3 would discuss

4 would give

5 would have visited

6 hadn’t happened

7 weren’t

8 hadn’t left

9 would have taken

10 would have got

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