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Ответ дал: Alinka54789

1. People develop with the help mind and and a new technology in some extent. But the first is the mind, because of the brain are ideas, and then further discoveries, with great difficulty to achieve results.

2. People have ceased to think.

3. For example: from a small size to a large size phone.

4. People change with the material world, it affects their mental activity, work, in general, all that makes people with their own hands , this is the material world.

5. To better is what goes for the benefit of mankind , and the worst is what goes to the destruction of anything.

6. In Soviet times, it was better because there were many natural products and there was no such high price increase.

7. Nuclear power and weapons, computers and internet have influenced people dramatically. But again: no technological advance can change the basis, the man's soul. We remain the same - and will remain forever

8. There's no 'harm' - everything can be judged in comparison. We didn't live on the planet without cars and we can't measure the harm they did. The same thing with everything else: we don't know WHAT we would have faced if both USA and USSR hadn't invented nuclear weapons. So any advance is just normal - is neither good or bad.

9. People will struggle, nations will make peace, nations will quarrel again and make wars. And make peace, and wars again. People will invent something like personal flying machine and a pocket-size device with all modern knowledges and opinions offline and upgradable - that's for sure.

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