Ответьте на вопросы, используя Present
Continuous / Past Continuous
1. What were you doing at 12 o’clock on 31st of December?
2. What were you wearing?
3. What were your family doing?
4. Was the TV working?
5. What were you feeling at that moment?
6. What are you doing now?
7. What are you wearing?
8. Where are you sitting?
9. What time of a day are you doing this test?
10. What dictionary are you using?
спасибо за ответ,заранее)


Ответ дал: KseniaSidorenko
1. At 12o'clock on 31 of December I was eating.
2. I was wearing my new dress.
3. My family were celebrating.
4. The TV was working.
5. I was feeling joy.
6. I am doing this text now.
7. I am wearing my trousers and jacket.
8. I am sitting at home.
9. I am doing this test at evening.
10. I am using very popular dictionary.
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