решите упражнение 2) if these women (not, eat),we (make) them eat! (a prison doctor) 3)I (not/be) happy if they (not give) us the vote soon.(a suffragist) 4)if we (not get) the vote,i (jimp) in front of the King's horrse! ( Emily Wilding Davison) 5) Those women never (receive) the vote if they (act) so stupidly. (Herbert Asquith) 6)If my wife (go) to prison, I (be) very upset. (the husband of suffragette) 7) I (die) if I (not/eat) something soon.(a suffragette in prison) 8)if I (become) an MP, I (get) votes for women. (Lady Astor) 9) The world (be) a worse place if women (get) the vote. (The Daily Mail Newspaper) 10) if I (have to) go to prison again, I (run) away. (Christabel Pankhurst)


Ответ дал: yalinka2505
2) If these women don't eat, we will make them eat!
3)I won't be happy if they don't give us vote soon
4)If we don't get the vote, I will jump in front of the King's horse!
5)Those women will never receive the vote if they act so stupidly.
6)If my wife go to prison, I will be very upset.
7)I will die if I won't eat something soon.
8)If I become an MP, I will get votes for women.
9)The world will be a worse place if women get the vote.
10)If I have to go to prison again, I will run away.
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