АНГЛИЙСКИЙ! Открыть скобки. Заранее огромное спасибо)
Open the brackets using Active or Passive Voice.
When I came to this town three years ago, the bridge _____________________________
(still/ build).
He was sure his mistake _________________________________ (never/discover).
Close the door, the baby __________________________________ (wash).
She didn’t follow the advice she _____________________________ (give).
When she entered the classroom, the last student ________________________________
(still/ examine).
Hopefully, everything _____________________________________ (arrange) by the end
of the day.
Luckily, the house ________________________________________ (restore) by the
time he _____________________________ (come) back from Africa.
A lot of new houses ____________________________ (build) in our town this year.
The road ________________________________ (widen) for the last few weeks.
10 There was somebody walking behind us. We _________________________________
11 After he __________________________________ (promise) the job, he felt quite
jubilant.12 I didn’t realize our conversation ____________________________________ (record),
otherwise I wouldn’t have been so bold.
13 When we got to the stadium, we ________________________ (find) that the game
_____________________________ (cancel).
14 I thought that the new hospital building _________________________________
(complete) by the end of the next year.
15 Once the letter ________________________________ (deliver), I’ll let you know.
16 They went to the storeroom where some of the goods ___________________________
17 Nothing _____________________________ (see) of Pauline since her car
______________________________ (find) abandoned near Newberry.
18 For the past few days I ______________________________ (work) in Jack’s office as
my own office _______________________________ (redecorate) now.
19 No decision _____________________________________ (make) about the future
appointment until all the suitable candidates ______________________________
20 Right now a student trip to the planetarium __________________________________
(organize). If you want, you can sign for it.
21 Before she _________________________________ (graduate) last month, she
______________________________ (offer) a position with a law firm.
22 He couldn’t quite remember what he __________________________ (tell) at the party.
23 When I came here last summer, the old bridge ________________________________
(repair) for more than a year, and now the work ________________________________
(still/ not finish).
24 My piano _______________________________ (repair) at the moment.
25 _________________________________________ (my/parcel/post)?


Ответ дал: egradina66

1. was still being built

2. would never be discovered

3. is being washed

4. had been given

5. was still being examined

6. had been arranged

7. had been restored ........came

8. have been built

9. has been widen

10. were being followed

11.had been promised

12. was being recorded

13. found .... had been cancelled

14. would be completed

15. is delivered

16. were kept (were being kept)

17. was seen ....had been found

18. have been working ......is being redecorated

19. will be made ....are interviewed

20. is being organised

21. graduated ....had been offered

22. had told

23. was being repaired ....hasn't  been still finished

24. is being repaired

25. Has my parcel been posted?

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