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Answer the special and tag questions
1)Billy will clean the flat tomorrow.
2)Mary will not visit us Sunday.
3)We will travel by car next summer.
4)He will work on Sunday because he has much to do.
5) Rob will not go to school because he is I'll.


Ответ дал: yalinka2505
1)When will Billy clean the flat?
Billy will clean the flat tomorrow, won't he?
2)Why won't Mary visit us on Sunday?
Mary won't visit us on Sunday, will she?
3)When will we travel by car?
We will travel by car next summer, won't we?
4)Why will he work on Sunday?
He will work on Sunday because he has much to do, won't he?
5)Why won't Rob go to school?
Rob won't go to school because he is ill, will he?
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