помогите пожалуйста написать письмо другу.Тема письма: ‘Hello, my friend! Nice to hear from you. Tell me about your flat. How many rooms do you have? What are the rooms? What is your favorite room in your flat?’


Ответ дал: olegzeloka

hi homie! Ive got beautiful flat. there is many things and staff. I have 3 rooms in  my flat. the rooms are beautiful too, in my room there is a bed and desk where i learn my homework. My favorite room is kitchen.  bye!

Ответ дал: mantsiger
hello! Thanks for your letter
nice too hear from you too!!! Oh, my flat is really big, there are 4 bedrooms, bath and a kitchen.
I like kitchen the most, because i love eating
waiting for your letter
best wishes, (тут твоё имя)
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