Complete the interview with an inventor in his house. Put the verbs in brackets in Present Perfect. A: Right,let's look at some of my inventions. B: Oh, ......(you invent) a lot of things? A: Yes, I have.My favorite is this domestic robot. That noise means that it ....... (start) cleaning. B: Can we go on a tour of the house? A: Of corse.As you can see, I ........ (not do) anything but the lights ........... (come on) automatically. B: Oh, that's brilliant. A: BBC1.[This is the bbc news…] B: Who .......... (turn on) the TV?. A: I have. It works by voice control. Watch ... Channel 4. [And now the football results…] I ........... (now switch over) to another channel. B: Incredble. A: The windows ........... (close) because it's getting cold. B: What's that noise? A: That's my wife. She ........... (just come) in through the automatic front door. She ............ (be) shopping. Would you like to meet her?


Ответ дал: egradina66

1. Have you invented

2. has started

3. haven't done

4. have come on

5. has turned on

6. have now switched over

7. have closed

8. has just come

9. has been

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