Переведите предложение правильно учитывая времена!! СРОЧНО ПОЖАЛУЙСТА!!
1.Ты написал сочинение ?
2.Мери сказала что они купили машину.
3.Они читали о пиратах и о море.
4.Ваша компания подписали договор.
5.Они шли по улице и смеялись.
6.Кто выпил мой сок?
7.Ты сварила суп?
8.Извините у меня грязная обувь, я был на улице.
9.В соседней комнате играла музыка, Джон слушал музыку.


Ответ дал: lizalikyshow
1. Did you write an essay?
2. Mary said that they bought a car.
3. They read about pirates and the sea.
4. Your company signed a contract.
5. They walked down the street and laughed.
6. Who drank my juice?
7. Did you cook soup?
8. Sorry I have dirty shoes, I was on the street.
9. In the next room, music played, John listened to music.
Ответ дал: helpe32r
1. Have you written an essay? 2. Mary said that they have bought a car. 3. They were reading about pirates and the sea. 4. Your company has signed the contract. 5. They were walking down the street and laughing. 6. Who has drunk my juice? 7. Have you cooked soup? 8. I am sorry my shoes are dirty. I was on the street. 9. In the next room was playing music. John was listening to music.
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