Выбирите правильный глагол

1. The mother cooked/ was cooking Christmas cookies for two hours
2. Mr Weller decorated/ was decorqating the Christmas tree two days ago
3. Jay chose/ was choosing a toy at 2 pm yesterday.
4. Last year my friends and i went/ were going trick or treating
5. our Granny watched/ was watching parades on TV from 8 to 10pm


Ответ дал: MaryFairy211

1. The mother cooked Christmas cookies for two hours.

2. Mr Weller decorated the Christmas tree two days ago.

3. Jay was choosing a toy at 2 pm yesterday.

4. Last year my friends and I went trick or treating.

5. Our Granny was watching parades on TV from 8 to 10pm.

Ответ дал: peskotskaya

1was cooking


3was choosing


5was watching

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