Помогите срочно индивидуальное задание по английскому 3.1.8. 5 класс Даю 34 балоа (надо поставить предложения в прошедшую форму по английски) 1 there are a lot of chelidren 2Jane writes letters of her friends 3 we get a lot of homework 4 you can help me with my homework 5 My father reads newspapers 6 Our teacher asks us a lot of questions 7 I have breacfest at 9 on sunday 8 we are


Ответ дал: mariaatwogaman

1. there were a lot of children

2. Jane wrote letters to her friends

3. we got a lot of homework

4. you could help  me with your homework

5. my father read newspaper

6. our teacher asked us a lot of questions

7. i had breakfast at 9 on Sunday

8 we were

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