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Завершите каждое предложение одним из слов. Плитки в правой колонке сортируются
His room was on the first floor, across the _ _ _ _ _ from mine.
Many old houses have an underground room called a(n) _ _ _ _ _ .
There were three cars and two vans parked on the _ _ _ _ _ .
You can sit around the _ _ _ _ _ with your family to talk about the good times.
The sunlight is too bright - pull down the _ _ _ _ _ !
He bought a house, and it came with this big _ _ _ _ _ in the backyard.
Please wipe your feet on the _ _ _ _ _ before you come in.
The _ _ _ _ _ leading from the gate to the house was overgrown with weeds.
Hot water is fine, but the _ _ _ _ _ boiler is not working.
We couldn't light a fire because the _ _ _ _ _ hadn't been swept.

central heating


Ответ дал: seunghee10

His room was on the first floor, across the LANDING from mine.

Many old houses have an underground room called a CELLAR .

There were three cars and two vans parked on the DRIVE.

You can sit around the FIREPLACE with your family to talk about the good times.

The sunlight is too bright - pull down the BLINDS!

He bought a house, and it came with this big SHEDin the backyard.

Please wipe your feet on the DOORMAT before you come in.

The PATH leading from the gate to the house was overgrown with weeds.

Hot water is fine, but theCENTRAL HEATING boiler is not working.

We couldn't light a fire because the CHIMNEY hadn't been swept.

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