Найдите ошибку и исправьте предложение:
1. Working in pairs.
2. Don`t to use a mobile phone in class.
3. You can repeat that, please?
4 Do complete the table.
5. No write your name.
6. Can you again play the CD, please?
Помогите пожалуйста))


Ответ дал: maniaddfun86
1.W ork in pairs
2.that you can repeat please
3. do not use mobile phone in class
4 Complete do the table
5 Does not writes your name
6 Can you play again the CD please
Ответ дал: dasharak715

1. Work in pairs

2.Dont use a mobile phone in class

3.Can you repeat that,please?

4.Complete the table

5.Dont write your name

6.Can you play the CD again,please?

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