Помогите раскрыть скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Perfect Continuous.

1. He (to work) there some time when that dreadful accident happened.

2. He told us they (to live) in this district since they had left Paris.

3. The waiter assured me that he (to look) for the watch everywhere.

4. They (to walk) in the garden for an hour when the storm broke out.

5. By that time the twins already (to sleep) for two hours.


Ответ дал: vda99

1. He had been working there some time when that dreadful accident happened.

2. He told us they had been living in this district since they had left Paris.

3. The waiter assured me that he had been looking for the watch everywhere.

4. They had been walking in the garden for an hour when the storm broke out.

5. By that time the twins already had been sleeping for two hours.

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