100 баллов. Read the extract from your English pen-friend Michelle's letter. Write a letter to Michelle and give her some advice on how to overcome her problem( 100-140 words)
"My town's quiet and borring! My friends and i would lave to go out more, but there's nothing much to do. There isn't even a cinemal! What can we do?


Ответ дал: MaryFairy211

Dear Michelle,

Thank you very much for your letter. It was great to learn your news.

You write that your town's too quiet and boring and ask me what you and your friends can do. Well, if there is no cinema, why don't you start a cinema club at your school or a local pub? Alternatively, you guys could watch a film at a someone's place and then have a tea-party discussing the film.

If there is a gym in your town, it could be a good idea to go there with your friends. This way you'll be able to spend time together and get fit!

I hope my advice will help you.

Take care.

Best wishes,

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