Помогите вписать a lot, much, many.
1. I haven’t got _______________ ambition.
2. Not _______________ people understand his ideas.
3. Do you have _______________ trouble with English?
4. Did you have _______________ friends in the school?
5. – Are there _______________ opera houses in London?
– Not _______________, but _______________ of theatres and cinemas.
6. Mary doesn’t spend _______________ money on her clothes.
7. We don’t drink _______________ coffee at the office.
8. I have _______________ work to do for the conference. I have to read _______________
German and English newspapers.
9. Everybody in my family eats a lot of apples, tomatoes and oranges. But we don’t like
_______________ soup.
10. Do you read _______________ or few magazines?
11. Be sure, Mrs Pale knows her job well, and loves it _______________ .
12. I read very _______________ detective stories, and _______________ of newspapers. Do you do _______________ reading?
13. _______________ of my friends think of emigrating, but I don’t suppose _______________ of them will in the end.
14. Celia talks _______________ .
15. – Do you have _______________ trouble with the customs?
– Rather _______________


Ответ дал: iamnotsmart
1 much
2 many
3. Much
4 a lot of
5 many
6 a lot
8 a lot
9 a lot
10 many
11 much
12many, a lot of, much
13 a lot of, many
14 much
15 many, many
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