Exercise 4. Change the sentences according to the model. Use “anything”, “anywhere”, “anybody”.

Model: - We want some tea.

-Do you want anything else?

-We want nothing else.

1.I’d like to have some bread and butter.

2.We saw an exciting performance.

3.She has been to some foreign city this year.


4.They have been to a history museum this week.

5.We expect my sister to come tonight.


Ответ дал: detichelenin
Может быть, так.
1.- I’d like to have some bread and butter.

-Would you like to have anything else?

-I would like to have nothing else.

2. - We saw an exciting performance.

- Did you see anything else?

-We saw nothing else.

3. - She has been to some foreign city this year.

- Has she been anywhere else?

-She has been nowhere else.

4. - They have been to a history museum this week.

- Have they been anywhere else?

-They have been nowhere else.

5. - We expect my sister to come tonight.

- Do you expect anybody else?

-We expect anyone else.
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