choose the correct form of the verb
1.New messages should send/should be sent/in the office
2.All the members can invited/can be invited to the English Song Festivity
3. Diamonds can't be find/can't be found in Scotland
4. Answers to the messages must reply/must be replied by the secretary
5. How can computers be join/can be joined to the telephone lines? 6.Their suggestion is very useful. It may accepted/may be accepted at once.
7. Violent films shouldn't show/shouldn't be shown on TV


Ответ дал: snezhana6463
1. should be sent
2. can be invited
3. can't be found
4. must be replied
5. be joined
6. may be accepted
7. shouldn't be shown

xedi9: Спасибо большое
snezhana6463: пожалуйста
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