Помогите пожалуйста!!!

Task 1.

Make negatives from the following positive sentences.

1) You have got an oval face. – _____________________________________

2) He has got dark hair. – _____________________________________

3) Her father has got a beard. – _____________________________________

4) Ann has got big eyes. – _____________________________________

5) We have got beautiful sisters. – _____________________________________

Task 2.

Complete the sentences with the right verbs. Add ‘-s’ if necessary. Choose from the following: sleep, live, eat, watch, play.

1) My mother ______________ lots of bananas and apples.

2) My elder sister ___________ in her own flat.

3) My cat __________ all day long.

4) People __________ TV. They like news most of all.

5) I ___________ the guitar.

Task 3.

Fill in the gaps to get English words for personal things. Translate the words.

W_llet, news_aper, cre_it card, chewing g_m, photo a_bum.


Ответ дал: vickifox
1) You haven’t got an oval face.
2) He hasn’t got dark hair.
3) Her father hasn’t got a bread.
4) Ann hasn’t got big eyes.
5) We haven’t got beautiful sister.

1) Eats
2) Lives
3) Sleeps
4) Watch
5) Play

Wallet,newspaper,credit card, chewing gum,photo album

Becausereasons: Спасибо!)
vickifox: Пожалуйста)
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