Помогите заполнить пропуски (who,which,whose,where).
Simon: Hi Nigel! Where did you go on holiday?
Nigel : I went to Greece …where ….. I had a nice time.
Simon: Did you see anything exciting?
Nigel : Yes. I went to the Acropolis, …………………. is very famous. I also went to the
place …………………the first Olympic Games were held.
Simon : Did you meet anyone interesting there?
Nigel : Yes. I met a girl ……………….. was from England. She knew a Greek family……...
lived in Athens and she took me to meet them. They were a very rich and kind
family ………………. friendliness made me feel very welcome.
Simon : It sounds like you enjoyed yourself!
Nigel : Yes, it’s a place ………………. I would like to go back.


Ответ дал: detichelenin
1. which
5. whose
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