Exercise 13. Change the sentences using the Passive Voice.
1. They have passed a new law lately.
2. They didn't reach a satisfactory solution.
3. They will pay damages.
4. They haven't adopted a new law yet.
5. They didn't recognize the women's rights for a long time.
6. They have already started an action in court.
7. Courts apply precedents.
8. Judges interpret statutes.
9. They have just made a decision.
10. They sought legal advice


Ответ дал: Juliyasha11

1 A new law has been passed by them lately.

2. A satisfactory solution wasn’t reached by them.

3. Damages will be paid by them.

4. A new law hasn’t been adopted yet.

5. The women's rights weren’t recognized by them for a long time.

6. An action has already been started by them in court.

7. Precedents are applied by courts.

8. Statutes are interpreted by judges.

9. A decision has just been made by them.

10. Legal advice was sought by them.

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