Придумать 7 вопросов из этого
Address,alone,anywhere,before,to be cautious (of),to care (about),to check (with),danger,e-mail,fair,to follow,to hurt,of,permission,safety,
safe(a),a stranger,to trick,without,
without permission


Ответ дал: vda99

1 I need to know your address, cause I'd like to visit you next time.

2 She wants to be alone sometimes she is exhausted after her work.

3 She needs to take care about her younger sister.

4 He has to get off the bus before us.

5 I try to follow a healthy lifestyle, cause keeps me in a good condition.

6 When you are in a gym, be careful don't hurt yourself.

7 Don't let a stranger enter your flat without permission.

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