Задайте общий, специальный, альтернативный, разделительный и вопрос к подлежащему
к одному вопросу to be
к одному вопросу past simple
и к одному present simple


Ответ дал: savan82

to be -      He is a student. Is he a student? What is he? Is he a student or a pupil? He is a student, isn't he? Who is a student?

Past Simple -     She went to the cinema yesterday.   Did she go  to the cinema yesterday? Where did she go? Did she go  to the cinema or to the theatre yesterday?  She went to the cinema yesterday, didn't she? Who went to the cinema yesterday?

Present Simple -    You study English. Do you study English? What do you study?    Do you study English or French?  You study English, don't you?          Who studies English?

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