Упр. 117. Соедините правую и левую части, чтобы получить условные предложения (припишите к цифре соответствующую букву).

1.___ If you eat more than you need,

A) she wouldn't sing in the bath.

2.___ If the dog keeps barking,

B) what would you do?

3.___ If I were you,

C) he would never get this job.

4.___ If he had driven carefully,

D) the extra calories turn into fat.

5.___ If you are not doing anything later,

E) we will go to the theatre.

6.___ Had the ice not melted,

F) he might have avoided that accident.

7.___ Henry spoke to the dog as if

G) the neighbours will complain.

8.___ I wish

H) we would have been here earlier.

9.___ If it were not for your uncle,

I) why don't you buy a computer?

10. ___ If I have time,

J) it could understand him.

11. ___ If I met a fairy one day,

K) I wouldn't buy these jeans.

12. ___ If I had known you were coming,

L) we could go skating.

13. ___ If you were in my shoes,

M) come and see us.

14. ___ But for the traffic jam

N) I would make a wish.

15. ___ If you have enough money,

О) I could have met you at the station.


Ответ дал: ЭллисЛинк
1) D
2) G
3) K
4) F
5) M
6) L
7) J
8) A
9) C
10) E
11) N
12) O
13) B
14) H
15) I
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