Помогите!1. Вычеркните лишнее слово из логического ряда:

a) Maths, Science, Thursday, Physical Education, Technology

b) sharpener, notebook, pencil case, umbrella, ruler

c) bathroom, bedroom, living room, kitchen, furniture

2. Соотнесите страну и национальность:

1) the UK a) French

2) Canada b) English

3) Australia c) Canadian

4) France d) Russian

5) Japan e) Australian

6) Russia f) British

7) England g) Japanese

3. Образуйте множественное число существительных:

Doll - Boy - Glass - Watch - Lady - Woman - Child - Window -

4. Вставьте глагол “To be”:

1)He … a teacher

2)They ... students

3)What ... your name?

4)... you a vet?

5)... this a flower?

6)PE ... my favourite subject

7)I ... not running now

5. Fill in: is, are. И переведи предложения.

1. There ___ a book on the bed.

2. There ___ two sofas in the living room.

3. ___ there a radio in the bedroom?

4. There ___ no milk in the fridge.

5. There ___ three cars in the garage.

6. Write the numbers.

23 ____________________ 37 ______________________

48 ____________________ 50 ______________________

39 ___________________ 18 ______________________

7. Выберите нужный предлог.

1. The garden is behind/on/in the house.

2. There is a garage next to/in front/ on the garden.

3. The mirror is behind/next to/on the wall.

4. There is a fridge on/in/next to the kitchen.

5. There is a book in front of\behind\on the table.


Ответ дал: masha8ssm


Thursday, umbrella , furniture,

1f, 2c. 3 e,4a,5 g, 6d ,7b

dolls , boys , glasses , watches , ladies, women, children, windows.

is,are, is , are ,is, is ,am.

is (На кровати лежит книга). Аre ( В прихожей находятся два дивана). Is ( Есть ли в спальне радио). Is (В холодильнике нету молока) .are В гараже три машины.

twenty three, thirty seven.

fourty eight, fifty.

thirty nine , eighteen

behind, in, on.

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