Найдите ошибки в следующий предложениях. 1.There is the box on the table.
2.There is a tree in a garden. 3.There are a books on the shelf. 4/There are factories in a city. 5.There is teacher in the class. 6. Are there a books in the shelf?
7.There is a candy on a table. 8.There isn't pen in the pencil-case. 9. There is cushion on the sofa. 10.There are cups on table.


Ответ дал: vda99

1.There is a box on the table.

2.There is a tree in the garden. 3.There are some books on the shelf. 4There are some factories in the city. 5.There is a teacher in the class. 6. Are there any books on the shelf?

7.There is a candy on the table. 8.There isn't a pen in the pencil-case. 9. There is a cushion on the sofa. 10.There are some cups on the table.

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