In the English language there are a lot of sayings about animals. Read and remember some of them. Say which of these sayings are used in the Russian language.
1. As busy as a bee. 6.As free as a bird.
2.As quick as a squirrel. 7.As clever as a monkey.
3.As quit as a mouse. slow as a snail.
4.As wise as an owl. 9.As brave as a lion.
5.As hungry as a wolf. 10.As strong as a horse.


Ответ дал: RD915

Наверное в русском языке есть 6. Свободен как птица. 3. Тих как мышка. 8. Медленный как улитка. 9. Храбр как лев. 5. Голоден как волк.

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