. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в форму инфинитива или герундия.

1.A: Mum, can you … (help) me with my homework? I ’ve tried …
(read) the chapter by myself but it’s too difficult for me … (understand).

B:Alright, I’ll … (help) you in a minute.

2.A: What do you want … (do) tonight?

B:How about … (see) a film?

A: I hate … (go) to the cinema. What about … (st ay) at home and

…(order) Chinese food?

B:Yeah, than sounds nice!


It’s no use … (talk) to Rick. He is a stubborn man who refuses …

(change) his mind.


A: Bob and Laura have decided … (get) married!

B: How wonderful!

A: Yes, it is! I was glad … (hear) the news. I think they make a

great couple.

5. Nancy is a very ambitious girl. She taught herself … (speak)


foreign languages, and managed … (start) her own business abroad.

6. Sue was very artistic when she was young. She would …


whatever was in front of her. She could also … (make) jewellery. Today,

she enjoys … (teach) art to students at Warren High

School. In her free

time, she loves … (paint) and … (write) poetry


Ответ дал: vladyandymokk13

1. A: help, to read, to understand

B: help

2. A: to do

B: seeing

A: going, staying, ordering

3. talking, to change

4. A: to get

A: to hear

5. to speak, to start

6. draw, make, teaching, painting, writing

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