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Ответ дал: vda99

1 What is important for you ?

Certainly, It is my computer. It takes a big part of my life . It helps me in everything. I can read and send some messages and audio snippets, watch some films and shows, play computer games . Using the internet I can find all I need, from learning Japanese to cooking. The computer is definitely an integral part of my life .

2 How long have you had it?

I've had it since 2010. I've upgraded it recently, so it's a powerful and contemporary machine now. I guess, it's according all requirements of nowadays.

3 Who gave it to you?

Nobody. It's my own purchase. I've earned some money. I've been saving it quite a while and I've bought my awesome computer by myself. It's still with me and I do proud of it.

ValeraDavay: Здравствуйте! Помогите пожалуйста с английским: 1) https://znanija.com/task/30271944 2) https://znanija.com/task/30271957 3) https://znanija.com/task/30271965 4) https://znanija.com/task/30271983 5) https://znanija.com/task/30272019
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