помогите перевести плиз на английский №9))



Ответ дал: ArSenDJ
9 (a) translate the situation into English: 1. When's your birthday? - June 4. you? - Also in the summer. 2. Dear friend! We invite you to a birthday on Saturday, April 3, at 16. 00. My address is: street Garden, d. 17, kV. 35. It will be a birthday in English! in our area there is a wonderful Park. near our school. the Park has a lot of huge old trees, and a beautiful fountain in the center of the Park. In the Northern part of the Park is my favorite fruit ice cream. 4. - Is this your new apartment? - Yeah. - How many rooms are there? Four. Which room is your favorite? Library. We have a lot of history books. In the corner is my favorite old green chair. b) translate dialog exchanges: 1. Excuse me, what time is it? - quarter past one. 2. Careful, mom! - It's all right, darling! 3. Oh my God! - What happened? 4. Hello! Can I talk to max, please? - I'm listening carefully

olwjagx8heha: спс)
ArSenDJ: Все
ArSenDJ: перевел
olwjagx8heha: спс
ArSenDJ: Выбери меня лучшим ответом
olwjagx8heha: у меня нету этой кнопочки с короной
olwjagx8heha: которая отмечает тебя лучшим ответом
ArSenDJ: она потом появится
ArSenDJ: да
olwjagx8heha: надеюсь, что появится
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