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Fill in the gaps with the shall/will or the correct form of be going to
1 A: It's too hot in here.
B: You're right. I… … open a window.
2 A: ………… I put the baby to bed, now?
B: Yes, he looks a little tired.
3 A: Have you seen Lucy recently?
B: No, but I ………….. meet her for lunch later today.
4 A: Have you done the shopping yet?
B: No, but I……………. probably do it tomorrow, after work.
5 A: ……………. we ask Mr Perkins for help with the project?
B: That's a good idea. Let's ask him now.


Ответ дал: nunny

1 B: You're right. I will open a window.

2 A: Shall I put the baby to bed, now?

3 B: No, but I shall meet her for lunch later today.

4 B: No, but I will probably do it tomorrow, after work.

5 A: Shall. we ask Mr Perkins for help with the project?

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