1.Was the museum (close) last month?
a. close
b. closed
c. are closed
d. is closed

2.The message ... tomorrow morning.
a. will be sent
b. will send
c. was send

3.This road (repair) by winter.
a. will have been repaired
b. will been repaired
c.will has been repaired

4.The package ... delivered tomorrow.
a.will be
b. will been
c. will

5.John (tell) to write a report before I met him yesterday.
a. been told
b. had been told
c. have been told

6.The furniture (deliver) by noon as well.
a. will have delivered
b. will have been delivered
c. had been delivered

7.The meal (to be/cook) and our friends (to be/invite) by Jack.
a. were cooked, was invited
b. cooked, invited
c. was cooked, were invited
d. was cooked, invited

8.The stadium (build).
a.was build
b. has been builded
c. has been built


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