Предложения с used to (про родителей )5 предложений )))


Ответ дал: sunny05310

1. My parents used to study at school, when they were young.

2. My mother used to wear high hills, but now she wears comfy shoes only.

3. My father used to like football, but now he prefers basketball more.

4. My parents used to come along (прогуливались) together every evening, but now they go for a walk only on Saturdays.

5. My mother used to watch TV, but now she likes to read books.

yana3019: Можешь ещё написать пожалуйста ?))))))
sunny05310: Сколько?
yana3019: Сколько хочешь )))гыыыы
sunny05310: 6. My mother used to have long hair, now she has modern short haircut
yana3019: Спасибо
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