2. I have to ---- my notes once again to make sure I have learned all important details before the exam.
(?) go over
(?) put up with
(?) take after
(?) pull down

3. In order not to lose its market share, our company must ---- the latest technological developments.
(?) hold up
(?) drop in
(?) fall apart
(?) keep up with

4. The soldier will be brought to trial because he is thought to have ---- state secrets to the enemy.
(?) backed up
(?) given away
(?) broken out
(?) turned off
5. Today, there is a tendency in our culture to ---- the people who haven't been to a university.
(?) take off
(?) show off
(?) turn over
(?) look down on

6. I ........ this table if I......that it wasn't actually an antique.
(?) didn't buy / would have realized
(?) wouldn't have bought / had realized
(?) won't have bought / realize
(?) haven't bought / might realize

7. Ken's mother reminded him that unless he......a wife soon, he......up a lonely bachelor like his uncle Ben.
(?) had found / ought to wind
(?) found / would wind
(?) will find /winds
(?) has found / is winding

8. Ken answered that he......a bachelor with a satisfying career than trapped in a meaningless marriage.
(?) must have been
(?) had to be
(?) would rather be
(?) might have been

9. No problem—I'll just tell the professor that I......him when he told us when the paper was due.
(?) used to misunderstand
(?) must have misunderstood
(?) could misunderstand
(?) should have misunderstood

10. There doesn't seem to be......to get away from the crowd in this town.
(?) anywhere
(?) somehow
(?) nowhere
(?) nobody


Ответ дал: nunny

2.  go over

3. keep up with

4. given away

5. look down on

6. wouldn't have bought / had realized

7. found / would wind

8. would rather be

9. must have misunderstood

10. anywhere

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