Помогите пожалуйста!Нужна составить предложения по премьеру.Нужно 3 предложения.



Ответ дал: vladyandymokk13

1) Kate has watered her plants

2) Mum has opened her bedroom window

3) Mary has watched the film

4) My friend have visited the British Museum

5) Emma has washed her hair

6) The Smiths have decided where they'll spend their weekend

7) Jake has cooked his supper

8) Mary's friends have arrived in London

9) Peter has changed his clothes

10) The sisters have discovered a wonderful new book

................ свои предложения:

1) - He doesn't want to have dinner

- He has recently eaten

2) - She sent me such a quality picture

- She has bought an expensive camera

3) - They aren't busy and playing outside now

- They have done their homework

skulashina2006: Спасибо большое,но вы меня не поняли.Нужно по этим примерам составить свои предложения
vladyandymokk13: Секунду...
skulashina2006: Спасибо вам огромное!!
Ответ дал: aliyushkasafina

Kate has watered her plants.

Emma has washed her hair.

Jake has cooked his supper .

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