Open the brackets and use the required past tense. 1. It was the poorest room he ever (see). 2. No sooner she (come) at the station than a fast London train (arrive). 3» I (finish) my work by afternoon and (sit) quietly in my armchair, thinking of the days that (pass) by, 4. The storm already (die) away, but very far off the thunder still (mutter). 5.1 already (go) into the bed and (fall asleep) when my mother (knock) at the door and (ask) me to get up. 6. By the time the guests (come), she still (not be ready). 7.1 (not listen)s so I missed what she (say). 8. By 9 o'clock he (finish) work. He (go) outside. The rain (stop) but it (be) rather cool. 9. By the time I (come) the shop already (close), 10. Hardly we (leave) when our bicycle (break) down.


Ответ дал: vladyandymokk13

1) he has ever seen

2) had come, arrived

3) had finished, sat, were passing

4) had already died, muttered

5) had already gone, fell, knocked, asked

6) came, still hadn't been ready

7) wasn't listening, said

8) had finished, went, stopped, was

9) came, had already closed

10) left, was breaking

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