Fill in the correct preposition.
1. She felt very sorry …... the injured boy. 2. The student was satisfied........... his exam results. 3. The young hooligans were sentenced........... four months in prison. 4. Fiona takes after her mother; they look very similar.............. each other. 5. My friends shouted............ me from across the road. 6. I always cry when someone 7. My brother telephoned to say he was sorry ........ my accident. 8. He said he was sorry..................breaking the windows. 9. The doctor informed her that, fortunately, she wasn't suffering...............a serious illness. 10. She became suspicious.............. the strange man who was following her.


Ответ дал: MaryFairy211

1 for

2 with

3 to

4 to

5 to

6 at

7 about

8 for

9 from

10 of

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