complete the text with the Present Simple Present Continuous or Present Perfeect form of the verbs in brackets.
My grandmother (live)in Poland and she (not speak)English,so when I visit her I alaways speak Polish. My father (be) in England since he was twenty-two. He (work) in London, but at the moment he is in the USA. He (travel) around the country on business.My mum (not like) it when he is away.She  (want) to go to Poland while he is in the USA. At the moment she   (try) to find some cheap plane tickets on the internet. She  (not buy) plane tickets on the internet before,so she is a bit nervous.She wants me to help her. I  (not mind). I like using the computer


Ответ дал: nunny

My grandmother (lives)in Poland and she (does not speak) English, so when I visit her I always speak Polish. My father (has been) in England since he was twenty-two. He (works) in London, but at the moment he is in the USA. He (travels) around the country on business. My mum (does not like) it when he is away. She  (wants) to go to Poland while he is in the USA. At the moment she   (is trying) to find some cheap plane tickets on the internet. She  (has not bought) plane tickets on the internet before, so she is a bit nervous. She wants me to help her. I  (do not mind). I like using the computer

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