Underline the verb forms which are not possible:
1. The castle has been built by William the Conqueror in the 11th
century. 2. Nothing has been decided yet. 3. Jenkins was killed 2
weeks ago. 4. It is thinked that apples are good for you. 5. A new
shop was been opened yesterday. 6. A speech will be given by our
governor next week. 7. She was been given a good mark. 8. All
the papers are been kept in this file. 9. This book is being
published now. 10. The students were not allowed to enter the


Ответ дал: GunWoman
  1. The castle has been built (was built) by William the Conqueror in the 11th century.

4. It is thinked (They think) that apples are good for you.

5. A new shop was been opened (was opened) yesterday.

7. She was been given (has been given) a good mark.

8. All the papers are been kept (are kept) in this file.

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