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Ответ дал: Fredzilla

 Dear Jake,

  In our school we have an enviromental club too.I'll probably join it later,but now I'll tell you what the participants of this club do.They don't just plant trees,but also bushes with berries we usually steal from school garden.Also they plant flowers.When they grow up,we just take the flowers,especially roses,so we can give them to our girlfriends on 8th March.But they doesn't write articles to school newspaper because we don't even have one.Also they clean up the school area too.Well,stealing berries and flowers doesn't look like protecting the nature.But don't think I'm against nature.To protect the nature I don't drop rubbish around school and usually pick up the rubbish others dropped.Uh,my mom needs help with housework,so I have to go

  See you,

  (Твоё имя)

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