помогите с АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫКе)))!?!?

Choose the correct variant.

1. This bag doesn't go ____ these shoes.

a) by

b) together

c) with


2. Prices are going _____, as usual.

a) ahead

b) down

c) up


3. The alarm clock went ______ at 5:30.

a) off

b) on



4. Last week he went ____ with a bad cold.

a) down

b) forward

c) into


5. Don't eat that sandwich; I'm sure it went _______.

a) off

b) on

c) down


Ответ дал: elenaredniova

Choose the correct variant.

1. This bag doesn't go  with these shoes.

2. Prices are going up, as usual.

3. The alarm clock went on at 5:30.

4. Last week he went  forward with a bad cold.

5. Don't eat that sandwich; I'm sure it went down.

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