Сделайте упражнения 3,4,5



Ответ дал: mihaikil


1. arrested

2. guardian

3. parcel

4. meals

5. suspicious


7. showed

4. 1. Because they discovered a young man just outside the prison.

2. Because in prison they give his meals, wash his cloves but when live with her mom he can't do this.

3. Four yang people was attacking David... after a show in Florida.


5.Lee Hoskins took photo of each other next to the car .

6. Because Lee left in the car the camera, and after the police see photos.

7. He got inside the box and this friend sent him by post to the house of businessman.

mihaikil: Что бы сделать 3 упражнения у меня нет всех картинок и названий текстов. На фото их нет
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