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I heard that (0) ... want to sell your bike. Is it OK (41) ... come and see the bike after college on Thursday? I don't know (42) ... you live. (43) ... you give me your address. I'd also like to know why you (44) ... selling it.
I decided to sell the old bike (45) ... . I got a motorbike for my birthday. The bike is (47) ... few years old but I'm sure you'll like (48) ...


Ответ дал: Maousama

I heard that you want to sell your bike. Is it OK to come and see the bike after college on Thursday? I don't know where you live. Would you give me your address? I'd also like to know why you are selling it.

I decided to sell the old bike, because I got a motorbike for my birthday. The bike is a few years old, but I'm sure you'll like it.

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