Вставьте глаголы, в present forms tense.
Dear Janet,
How are you? I'm writing (write) to you from Hawaii. The hotel we ... (stay) in is amazing.
It's very hot here and we ... (have) a great time. Today, we ... (be) all at the beach. Right now, my sisters, Carla and Daniela, ... (build) a sandcastle. Mum and Dad ... (play) beach volley for over an hour and Giavanni, my brother. ... ( just/go) diving with his friends. They ... (go) diving every day. So far, ... (try) windsurfing. It's really thrilling!
We ... (not/do) much sightseeing yet but tomorrow we ... (go) on a trip round the island. We're all looking forward to it.
See you soon.
Пожалуйста, если можно, побыстрей :3


Ответ дал: zorbing

The hotel we are staying (stay) in is amazing.

It's very hot here and we are having (have) a great time. Today, we are (be) all at the beach. Right now, my sisters, Carla and Daniela, are building (build) a sandcastle. Mum and Dad have been playing (play) beach volley for over an hour and Giavanni, my brother has just gone (just/go) diving with his friends. They go (go) diving every day. So far, try (try) windsurfing. It's really thrilling!

We have not done (not/do) much sightseeing yet but tomorrow we are going (go) on a trip round the island.

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