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Ответ дал: privetik9898

2. picks us up

3. will stop

4. will eat

5. will be

6. will probably see

7. will visit

8. will be spending

9. will probably rain

10. am not going to take

11. will come

Ответ дал: nunny

The bus (2)  is (picking us up) at 7.30 a.m. Don't worry about breakfast, we (3)  (shall stop) at a cafe at around 9 o'clock and we shall (4)  (eat) there. I don't know exactly what the excursion programme is, but I am sure it (5) (will be) interesting. We (6)  (shall probably see) some castles. I am sure we (7)  (shall visit) Loch Ness. According to the programme we (8)  (shall spend) half an hour at the Loch Ness Monster exhibition. It often rains in that part of Scotland in autumn so it (9)  will (probably rain) tomorrow, but I (10)  am (not taking) an umbrella because I don't want to carry extra weight. We (11)  (come) home around 8 p.m.

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