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Ответ дал: alekssedova2016


2.them 3.she 4.he 5.they 6.it 7.it 8.she


2.An author is someone who writes books.

3.A parrot is bird which can talk.

4.The ruler is something that we use to draw straight lines.

5.A dentist is someone who looks after your teeth.

6.A waiter is someone who works in a restaurant.

7.An ostrich is a very large bird which can run very fast.

8.A thief is a person who steals things.


2. An old man answered the door who was Jakes's grandfather

3.Wanted is the film that made him famous

4.The girl is standing over there that is my cousin

5.That's the boy whose mum teaches English at our school

6.Here's the note that Ben left for you this morning

7.I ate the sandwich that was in the fridge

8.We stayed in a hotel that had a huge swimming pool

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