ПОЕДЛОЖЕНИЯ!! 1)Rita did not say anything. 2)Granny did not see anybody in the garden. 3)Mike did not put anything into the box. 4)Little Mary did not draw anything. 5)Bob will not give you anything. 6)Liz did not ivite anybody to her birthday party. 7)There was not anybody in the house.


Ответ дал: berryup
Они и так отрицательные

dadi56: Тип там должно быть something
berryup: Аа
berryup: Rita said something
berryup: Granny saw someone in the garden
berryup: Mike put something in the box
berryup: Little Mary draw something
berryup: Bob will give you something
berryup: Liza invited somebody on her birthday party
berryup: There was somebody in the house
dadi56: Спасибо✨☺️
Ответ дал: aliyushkasafina

Может вам сокращённая форма нужна?

1)Rita didn't say anything. 2)Granny didn't see anybody in the garden. 3)Mike didn't put anything into the box. 4)Little Mary didn't draw anything. 5)Bob won't give you anything. 6)Liz didn't ivite anybody to her birthday party. 7)There wasn't anybody in the house.

dadi56: Нет со словом Something
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