Дам 20 баллов.

Раскройте скобки,употребляя необходимую степень сравнения прилагательных.

1.She is (young) than Ann.

2.This film is much (good).

3.He speaks English (bad) than I do.

4.In spring the weather is (warm) than in winter.

5.I am not so (busy) as my mother is.

6.Is the Arctic Ocean (cold) in the world?

7.Which book is (interesting)?

8.This problem is (difficult) than yours.

9.My box isn't (heavy) as your.

10.These exercises are (easy) than in the book.

11.Which house is (high) in your street?

12.To fly is (quick) that to go by car.

13.Whose child is (old) than my?

14.This example is (simple) of all.

15.He isn't so (stupid) as your brother is.

16.Which country is (beautiful)?

17.In this town the streets are (narrow) than in mine.

18.Your cat is (fat) I've every seen.

19.Is August (hot) month of the year?

20.She is (attentive) child in her  class.

21.My (old) sister is two years (old) than I.

22.What's (near) station?


Ответ дал: buznikovasa

She is younger than Ann. This film is so much

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